
Not A Great Start To 2012

Well, its been a rough start to our year.  Last week, Adam started feeling pretty bad.  Soon after, Cale started to develop a cough and runny nose.  Last Friday, I called the doctor to make sure we were doing everything we needed to be doing to help Cale overcome his cold.  The nurse told me to call the following week if things did not start to improve within a few days.  Sunday, Adam reached his low with sickness, and was in bed all day (unfortunately, he didn't start feeling better, and was in bed until today).  By Monday morning, Cale's cough had gotten worse and his runny nose and turned into full-on congestion.  Poor little guy couldn't even breathe through his nose to drink a bottle!  I made an appointment and took him in to see our pediatrician that afternoon.  Of course, the nurse came in and said she was going to swab him for RSV, just to clear that from the list.  She reassured us that she didn't think it would come back positive, but wanted to cover the bases.  She left and told us the results would not show up for about 20 minutes, but that the doctor would be in to visit with us soon.  Within 5 minutes, the nurse came back in our room with a look on her face.  I knew then that Cale had RSV.  The nurse said that the positive line came up with the control line, meaning that it was VERY positive.  Poor little guy.  Typically, this is not a huge issue, but it can be very dangerous for children under the age of 2.  Our pediatrician came in and immediately checked his oxygen levels, which came back low.  She decided to try a nebulizer treatment on him, but warned us that very few babies actually responded to this treatment.  Cale did great through the treatment, and we were happy to find out that it actually had worked for Cale.  She sent us home with a nebulizer machine and told us we needed to do treatments every 3-4 hours, all through the day and night.  That was Monday...and here we are, two days later.  

  Cale is such a champ with his breathing treatments.  We put on the "Hide 'Em In Your Heart" DVD (bible verses put to music), and let him watch that for the 7 minutes it takes to complete the treatment.  He sits so still then entire time.  I think he knows that the air that blows on him makes him feel better.  Cale is slowly improving, but we are continuing the breathing treatments until Friday.  We saw the doctor today, and she said that he seems be on the uphill climb to getting better.  She did say that his chancing of having asthma in the future has now increased because of this virus...bummer.  I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there.  I'm so thankful that both of my boys are feeling better today, and that I have miraculously been spared from getting sick.  Please pray for Cale's quick recovery and that this virus does not onset asthma.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry your guys have been so sick. I hope things are looking better now!
